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For Witches, By Witches

Persephone, Queen of the Underworld, Goddess of Spring

This Persephone Tin was created to celebrate Persephone's duality & balance; from being the Goddess of Spring, of rebirth, growth & new beginnings and then becoming Queen of the Underworld, ruling over death, ending of cycles and Transformation.

Just as Persephone emerges from the Underworld, embrace the symbolism of renewal and rebirth in your own life. Let go of old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you, and welcome new opportunities and experiences. Persephone's story also symbolizes the ability to forge your own path, even when outside forces try to control you. The journey of self-discovery and inner wisdom gives undestanding and the way foward to obtain the life you desire to be living.

Our Persephone shrine altar tin has been created by incorporating her powerful symbols and talismans of her many aspects and abilities, opening the way for a deeper and stronger connection to her, allowing you to honour her, give offerings, and seek her guidance more easily.

This portable Altar Tin is designed to honour and connect with Persephone. The size of this tin makes it easy to carry in a bag or pocket, allowing for offerings and deep connection with Persephone wherever you go.

Included with our Persephone shrine altar tin is our How to Use guide and:

✨Persephone Spell – call on her help and assistance in embracing her aspects of claiming her own power, self discovery and growth, taking her own fate into her hands.

✨Spell Bottle of Pomegranate Seeds – with Crown charm & Pomegranate Seeds – As Queen of the Underworld this is Persephone’s sacred fruit representing personal transformation, the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Opening the way for new beginnings, also used for manifestation spells.

✨Mini Spell Bottle of Lavender petals – As the maiden Goddess of Spring, lavender represents spring, grace, calm, royalty & innocence. Lavender provides emotional healing from past traumas, calms and soothes mental anguish, allows for clear thinking and positivity.

✨Snowflake Obsidian Crystal – this crystal encompasses the union of darkness and light. It honours both the ups and downs in life. It provides inner strength to persevere, releases emotional blockages, boosts courage to empower you to grow, and supports you in personal transformation. Keep this near yourself, your altar or keep it in the tin itself.

✨Persephone Fragrance Oil – in Purple Glass Dropper Bottle with essential oil blend of roses, spicy oriental & apple oil. Roses & Apples represent spring, new beginnings, fertility, growth, and the earth's abundance. Spicy oriental musk is all about power, independence & perseverance.

✨Bat Charm Talisman – The Bat is associated with rebirth, intuition, and the ability to see through illusion. The Bat also encourages you to release your old habits that no longer serve you. Granting you the room to grow into your best self. Use this Bat Charm Talisman to stay connected to Persephone wherever you go, you can place it on a piece of jewellery or simply keep it on your altar on in this tin.

✨Persephone Dressed Candle –Symbolizing regeneration, grounding, and protection. Light this candle in your sacred space to allow Persephone’s power, protection and wisdom to light your way.

The Tin dimensions are 9.5cm x 6cm x 2cm.

Please note that these are all handcrafted and may at times have slight variations, but will reflect the spell and main intention of the tin you are purchasing.

Goddess Persephone Altar Tin, Queen of the Underworld Shrine Kit

SKU: Persephone Tin
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